Medication and check-ups
You can find below the most frequent questions and answers relating to refunds of your medical invoices.
Click on your subject of interest.
You can find below the most frequent questions and answers relating to refunds of your medical invoices.
Click on your subject of interest.
Please send us the prescription from your doctor and the sales receipt from the pharmacy. Please also mark clearly:
- your name and first name;
- your date of birth;
- your insurance number.
Send the documents either by post to: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny or by email to: prestations@groupemutuel.ch
To make your things easier for you, you can also send your invoices from the Customer Area.
Once we receive the documents, we will check whether the prescribed medication can be refunded and will send you a statement.
The increase in the proportion not reimbursed by health insurers (“co-insurance”) was decided by the Federal Council with the aim of encouraging people to purchase generic drugs and biosimilars and therefore make savings for compulsory health insurance (AOS/OKP).
Under the Federal Law on Health Insurance (LAMal/KVG), once the deductible amount has been reached, insured persons must contribute 10% of the cost of their treatment: this is known as “co-insurance”.
In the case of medicines, the Federal Council had already set a higher co-insurance amount of 20% for the purchase of original medicines that are more expensive than any generics that might be available.
Purchasing original preparations without being subject to the penalty remains possible in case of medical reasons. However, the medical justification must now be more fully documented and proven by the doctor or pharmacy.
No, in this case, the statutory co-insurance of 10% applies.
You can ask your doctor or pharmacy for information.