Approved therapists, doctors, therapies and cure facilities

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Approved therapists, doctors, therapies and cure facilities

Please contact our services or use our search tool to check whether the therapist and treatment are recognised by Groupe Mutuel and that your supplemental insurance is intended for this purpose.

As soon as your doctor has been recognised as a general practitioner or specialist, you can go directly to him/her, unless you are covered by an alternative insurance model that provides for different coverage, as per the terms and conditions of insurance.

Before applying for a cure, your doctor must send us a request for coverage, mentioning the name of the spa facilities so that we may check whether they are recognised.

The website offers you a service for comparing and locating Swiss hospitals by type and speciality. The website also provides information on quality of care and patient satisfaction.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111