Pay my bills

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Pay my bills

To pay your bills, you can choose between different payment methods. We recommend using the direct debit system (for bank or post office accounts) or the e-bill.

Direct debit (bank or post office account)
All your bills will be debited directly from your bank or post office account.

  • You have a post office account: Complete and send us the form, by which you authorise us to debit directly your post office account for the different amounts due.
  • You have a bank account: Complete our online form and we will send you the LSV form by which you authorise us to debit directly your bank account for the different amounts due.  Please then return the form to us duly certified by your bank. Please note that registration may take several weeks. If you no longer receive a payment slip with our bills, this means that the direct debit has been activated.

In the meantime, if you still receive bills with payment slips, please pay them as before.

If you have an e-banking/e-finance account, your bills will be sent directly to your account and you will only have to validate them. To sign up for this payment method, please go to the website

Payment slip
You can pay your bills using the payment slip enclosed with our bills, either via your e-banking / e-finance account, via a payment order or by going to a post office counter.

  • e-banking / e-finance: Simply go to your e-banking/e-finance account, either by scanning the QR code or by entering the information on the payment slips enclosed with our invoices.
  • Payment at the post office counter: At the post office counter, you can pay in cash using the payment slip enclosed with our bill.

    However, please note that for basic insurance, you will be charged an additional fee for using this payment method.

    This is because post office fees represent a cost of around CHF 6,5 million for Groupe Mutuel, which has a direct impact on the insurance premiums of all customers. In order not to pass on postage costs to all our insureds, you will be charged the following additional costs if you use this method of payment as part of your compulsory health insurance.
    • Payments up to CHF 50: CHF 1.20
    • Payments up to CHF 100: CHF 1.60
    • Payments up to CHF 1,000: CHF 2.35
    • Payments up to CHF 10,000: CHF 3.95
    • In addition, for every CHF 10,000: CHF 1.25

Bank / post office standing payment order
Simply order the payment order form from your financial institution, fill it in and send it to your bank/post office with the payment slips so that they can make the payments for you. Please note that depending on the financial institution, this service may incur additional costs.

We strongly advise against the use of standing orders or payment templates as the reference numbers are different for each bill.

Your health insurance premiums are payable in advance. This means that the payment deadline is the last day of the month preceding the corresponding premium month.  For example, the premium invoice for May expires on 30 April.

Premiums are usually payable within 30 days. If the premium amount is amended, following a change to the contract or the cantonal subsidy, for example, several months may be grouped together on the same invoice.

Payment arrangements (extension of a deadline or payment by instalments) depend on the circumstances and are granted at certain conditions.
Please contact our customer service department on 0848 803 111 to discuss your options.

If you have received a payment order, you will need to contact the Debt Collection Office (Office des Poursuites) to make the payment.

If you have received a certificate of default, please contact us for further information.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111