Our answers to the most frequently asked questions
You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
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You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
Simply click on your subject of interest.
Reporting an accident is compulsory if you wish to have your medical expenses covered.
You can report your accident to your health insurance by telephone, email or via the Customer Area. In some cases, a written declaration of the insured person may be required (dental case, hospitalisation, accident with a liable third-party).
Health insurance (LAMal/KVG) covers the accidents of persons who are not gainfully employed (children, pensioners, self-employed individuals, homemakers, etc.) or who work less than eight hours a week. In the event of an accident, the compulsory health insurance covers the costs in the same way as it does with an illness. Insured persons are therefore subject to the deductible amount and co-insurance.
Accident insurance (LAA/UVG) taken out by employers for their employees is compulsory for anyone who is gainfully employed for more than eight hours a week. These persons can suspend the accident risk from their compulsory health insurance.
In case of an accident, accident insurance reimburses 100% of the costs.
Please note that persons receiving unemployment benefits are covered by the SUVA during their period of entitlement to unemployment benefits.
If you are already covered against accidents by your employer (compulsory under the LAA/UVG), you may suspend this coverage from your compulsory health insurance on the first day of the month following your request to suspend your insurance.
If you need to reinstate this risk on your compulsory health insurance, simply complete our online application form. Reinstatement will be effective on the first day of the month requested.
Yes. Accident coverage must be included in your compulsory health insurance because your employer no longer covers you for this risk. To include accident risk in your compulsory insurance, send us an online request.
No, persons receiving unemployment benefits are compulsorily insured against accidents by the unemployment fund at SUVA. In order to suspend accident cover from the basic health insurance, please send us a written request. We will suspend your accident insurance according to your period of entitlement to benefits decided by the unemployment fund.
If you have an employer, you must ask for an accident report sheet. You must then send this document to the pharmacy with the medical prescription.
If you do not have an employer, simply show your insurance card with the prescription to your pharmacist. The latter will forward his invoice to your accident insurer.