Changes to the CP LAMal/KVG for alternative models

Our answers to the most frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions by our insured persons about changes to the special terms and conditions for alternative models (CP LAMal/KVG).

Changes to the special terms and conditions for alternative models (CP LAMal/KVG)

All insured persons (existing or future) who have an alternative basic health insurance model (PrimaFlex, SanaTel, PrimaCare or OptiMed) with a Groupe Mutuel insurer or an insurer administered by Groupe Mutuel are affected by the changes to the CP LAMal/KVG, i.e.:

  • Mutuel Assurance Maladie SA
  • Philos Assurance Maladie SA
  • Avenir Assurance Maladie SA
  • AMB Assurances SA
  • Caisse-maladie de la vallée d'Entremont société coopérative

No action is required on your part. You will automatically benefit from these new special terms and conditions of insurance (CP LAMal/KVG) as of 1 April 2025.

The CP LAMal/KVG set out the specific rules for the various alternative insurance models. These special terms and conditions needed to be updated following the Federal Council's amendment of the Ordinance on Health Insurance (OAMal/KVV) on 1 January 2025.

The changes made to the LAMal/KVG special terms and conditions of insurance (CP) concern insured persons who were transferred to the standard model for failure to comply with the principles of their insurance model. The transfer procedures have not changed, but we have added a sentence stating that the insured persons in question will only be able to opt for an alternative model again from 1 January of the following year.

  • The way your insurance model works will not change.
  • Your premium will not be affected by the changes.
  • The medical benefits covered by your insurance remain the same. The benefits of basic health insurance are defined by the Law on Health Insurance (LAMal/KVG) and are therefore identical, regardless of the insurance company and the basic health insurance model chosen.
  • If your canton of residence pays part of your health insurance premium, the subsidies to which you are entitled will not be affected by the amendment.
  • Your deductible amount will not be affected by the amendments.
  • If you were insured under family doctor model, your family doctor will remain the same.
  • Your supplemental insurance policies are not affected by this amendment, which only concerns basic health insurance.

You can download your new terms and conditions of insurance below:

You can also receive them by calling us on 0848 803 111 (8cts/min.) or by visiting one of our agencies open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00

Should you need further information about this amendment, we are available:

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111