Changes to the CGA LAMal/KVG and the CP LAMal/KVG for alternative models

Our answers to the most frequently asked questions

You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions about the changes to the supplemental executory provisions for compulsory insurance (CGA LAMal/KVG) and special terms and conditions for alternative models (CP LAMal/KVG)

Changes to the CGA LAMal/KVG and the CP LAMal/KVG for alternative models

All insured persons (existing or future) who have basic health insurance with a Groupe Mutuel insurer or an insurer administered by Groupe Mutuel, i.e.:

  • Mutuel Assurance Maladie SA
  • Philos Assurance Maladie SA
  • Avenir Assurance Maladie SA
  • Easy Sana Assurance Maladie SA
  • SUPRA-1846 SA
  • AMB Assurances SA
  • Caisse-maladie de la vallée d'Entremont société coopérative

If you have chosen an alternative model (PrimaFlex, SanaTel, PrimaCare or OptiMed), you will also be subject to the changes to the CP LAMal/KVG conditions that apply to your specific insurance model.

No action is required on your part. You will automatically be subject to the new CGA LAMal/KVG and CP LAMal/KVG as of 1 January 2025.

The CGA LAMal/KVG conditions set out the administrative aspects of the relationship between the insurer and the insured person (e.g. data processing and communication channels). These general terms and conditions were updated in order to specify how your personal data is processed and to provide you with an additional official communication channel.

The CP LAMal/KVG conditions set out the specific rules for the different alternative insurance models. These special terms and conditions were updated in order to improve your understanding of the models and to enable us to offer you a better customer experience, whether through innovations or new benefits.

The way your basic health insurance works and the benefits to which you are entitled will not change:

  • The way your insurance model works will remain unchanged.
  • The medical benefits covered by your insurance will remain the same. The benefits provided under basic health insurance are defined by the Law on Health Insurance (LAMal/KVG) and are identical, regardless of the insurance provider and basic health insurance model chosen.
  • If your residence canton pays part of your health insurance premium, the subsidies to which you are entitled will not change.
  • Your deductible amount will not change.
  • If you were insured under the family doctor model, your family doctor will remain the same.
  • Your supplemental insurance policies will not change. Changes only concern basic health insurance.

Changes apply mainly to the following:

  • Art. 7, para. 5: inclusion of our Customer Area as an additional and legally recognised communication channel if you choose to activate it;
  • Art. 9: details of how your personal data is processed in accordance with the Swiss Law on Data Protection (LPD/DSG).

Changes to the CP LAMal/KVG for PrimaFlex apply mainly to the following:

  • Art. 4, para. 2(b): inclusion of the possibility to use a partner digital health solution (e.g. online symptom checker) as one of the first points of contact in case of a health problem;
  • Art. 5, para. 3: if you have not specified a family doctor, the possibility for Groupe Mutuel to choose one for you unilaterally based on the doctor you have visited the most;
  • Art. 6: inclusion of accident cases as a derogation (situation in which you are released from the obligation to follow the rules of your model);
  • Art. 7: details of how often failure to comply with the rules of the model is taken into account;
  • Art. 8, para. 3: inclusion of the possibility of exempting certain benefits from the co-insurance;
  • Art. 9: details of how your personal data is processed in accordance with the Swiss Law on Data Protection (LPD/DSG).

The wording of the CP LAMal/KVG for SanaTel has been completely standardised with that of the other models. Changes apply mainly to the following:

  • Art. 4: inclusion of the possibility to use a partner digital health solution (e.g. online symptom checker) as one of the first points of contact in case of a health problem;
  • Art. 6: inclusion of accident cases as a derogation (situation in which you are released from the obligation to follow the rules of your model);
  • Art. 7: details of how often failure to comply with the rules of the model is taken into account;
  • Art. 8: details of how your personal data is processed in accordance with the Swiss Law on Data Protection (LPD/DSG).

Changes to the CP LAMal/KVG for PrimaCare apply mainly to the following:

  • Art. 6: inclusion of accident cases as a derogation (situation in which you are released from the obligation to follow the rules of your model);
  • Art. 7: details of how often failure to comply with the rules of the model is taken into account;
  • Art. 8: details of how your personal data is processed in accordance with the Swiss Law on Data Protection (LPD/DSG).

Changes to the CP LAMal/KVG for OptiMed apply mainly to the following:

  • Art. 4: inclusion of the possibility to choose a telemedicine centre as your family doctor from the OptiMed lists;
  • Art. 6: inclusion of accident cases as a derogation (situation in which you are released from the obligation to follow the rules of your model);
  • Art. 7: details of how often failure to comply with the rules of the model is taken into account;
  • Art. 8, para. 1- 2: inclusion of the possibility for your family doctor or third parties mandated by him/her to recommend care pathways;
  • Art. 8, para. 3: inclusion of the possibility of exempting certain benefits from the deductible or co-insurance;
  • Art. 9: details of how your personal data is processed in compliance with the Swiss Law on Data Protection (LPD/DSG), inclusion of the possibility for the insurer to share your data with the healthcare network of which your family doctor is a member and inclusion of your telephone number and email address in the data that Groupe Mutuel shares with your family doctor, the healthcare network of which he/she is a member or any third parties appointed by the family doctor.

No, because changes to the CGA LAMal/KVG and CP LAMal/KVG will take effect on 1 January 2025. The notice period for terminating the insurance is therefore the same as for other policyholders who wish to change their basic insurance model or insurance provider (the notice of termination must be received by your insurer by 29 November 2024 at the latest).

Should you need further information about this amendment, we are available:

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111