Our answers to the most frequently asked questions
You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
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You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
Simply click on your subject of interest.
Since you have not terminated your coverage with your former insurance company, we will automatically receive this information from them. We will cancel your compulsory health insurance for the current year and send you a form allowing you to reactivate your contract at a later date.
Meanwhile, you must send a letter of termination to your current insurance company, which will confirm the effective date of termination. This date must then be specified on the form sent to us.
This procedure is possible provided that the supplemental insurance policies you have taken out with Groupe Mutuel provide the same benefits as those insurance plans you have with your other health insurer.
In this case, please ask your other insurer for a recent certificate of supplemental insurance. This document should mention the insurance coverage, the dates of signature as well as the dates of entry into force and expiry, so that we can follow up on your request.
To be able to terminate your compulsory health insurance, you must have paid your premiums in full, as well as any cost-sharing amounts (deductible and co-insurance), as well as all fees and interest. The amounts due were not paid in full before the effective date of your termination. For this reason, we have maintained your compulsory health insurance and informed your new insurer.
To be able to terminate your compulsory health insurance, you must have paid your premiums in full, as well as any cost-sharing amounts (deductible and co-insurance), as well as all fees and interest.
If your previous insurer has refused to terminate your insurance because of non-payment of the full amount due, this insurance company is obliged to inform us so that we can cancel your compulsory health insurance and avoid a double affiliation. However, as soon as you have settled your situation with your former insurer, you can submit a new application to our insurance company. Simply contact our Offers Department, which will guide you through the process.
Deadlines and notices
For compulsory health insurance, the notice for termination depends on your insurance model:
Deductibles: CHF 500, CHF 1,000, CHF 1,500, CHF 2,000 or CHF 2,500 for adults, and CHF 100, CHF 200, CHF 300, CHF 400, CHF 500 or CHF 600 for children.
You may also terminate your compulsory health insurance as soon as the new premiums are announced in October of each year. In this case, the notice period is reduced to one month (30 November).
Please note that if the last day of the month of notice corresponds to a holiday or weekend, you must ensure that your notice of termination is received by our company no later than the last business day of the month concerned.
For supplemental insurance, the law provides that after three years of insurance, you may terminate all or part of your insurance policies by the end of a calendar year (31 December) with three months' notice (30 September). However, some insurance products have shorter notice periods, which are specified in their special terms and conditions.
Request for termination
You may terminate your contract if you request to do so by sending us a dated and signed letter, or by any other means of communication that we make available to you, with the exception of social networks.
If you use the email channel, please check that your email address has been communicated to us and that it has been checked by our services to comply with the Law on Data Protection (LPD/DSG). If this is not the case, please contact us to update your personal data.
If the request for termination concerns several insured persons, each insured person who is over 18 years of age must make the request individually (subject to a power of attorney given to another person for managing the contracts).
Conditions for acceptance
In the case of compulsory health insurance, the termination is accepted if the following two conditions are met before the termination date: