Our answers to the most frequently asked questions
You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
Simply click on your subject of interest.
You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
Simply click on your subject of interest.
No, they appear only on invoices.
People who have difficulty paying their health insurance premiums because of their financial situation can apply for a contribution to the payment of their premiums from their canton. In some cantons, the entitlement to subsidies is calculated each year automatically on the basis of the tax return. In other cantons, however, insured members must apply for a subsidy directly from the competent office in their canton.
The following website provides information on your entitlement to subsidies according to your place of residence.
There are two possible reasons:
1. We have not yet received the cantonal decision on your entitlement to a subsidy: the competent cantonal body has not yet taken a decision or the name of the health insurer listed in the decision is incorrect. If the waiting period is longer than one month, please contact the relevant cantonal office to find out why.
2. The decision on the entitlement to a subsidy was recently received by us and has been entered in your file. A corrected invoice will be sent to you within two to three weeks.
A change of health insurance must be notified directly by the former insurer to the competent cantonal body. The canton is then responsible for forwarding the subsidy decision to the new insurer. The insured person is not required to do anything.
However, it is recommended to contact the competent office if the decision is late in reaching the new insurer (i.e. more than two months after the beginning of the new contract).
Please send us your question using the subsidy request form. We will answer your request as soon as possible.
If you are entitled to a subsidy but it has not yet been notified to us by your canton, we recommend that you pay your current invoices to avoid receiving any reminders. We will correct your invoices as soon as we receive the notification from your canton and deduct the subsidy to which you were entitled from the invoices already paid.
If you have difficulty paying these invoices, we will either agree a payment extension or a payment arrangement.
Depending on the status of your premium account, we will deduct the amount from your next invoice. Only the balance, if any, is reimbursed. This amount can also be deducted from any overdue invoices.