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Our answers to the most frequently asked questions

You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
Simply click on your subject of interest.

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All persons insured with Groupe Mutuel can request access to the Customer Area. If different family members are grouped under the same account, one single access will be granted for all family members. The request for access must be made by the person appointed to receive documents.

Upon requesting access, you must provide your insurance number, date of birth, email address and mobile phone number.

Your customer number can be found on your insurance card (for cards received from January 2020 onwards) and on all documents sent by Groupe Mutuel. For example, on your insurance policy, your customer number is indicated on the top right-hand corner.

Do you have any questions?
Customer Area Hotline - Free Callback Service


Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111