Ada « symptom checker »
Our answers to the most frequently asked questions
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You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
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Ada does not provide any medical diagnosis. To receive a diagnosis or medical advice, you must consult a doctor. However, Ada helps you to better understand your symptoms and to identify possible causes.
Ada can in no way replace your doctor, nor can it make a medical diagnosis. This service helps you to better understand your symptoms through an initial online assessment without having to consult a doctor.
All the health data you enter on Ada belongs exclusively to you and is not shared with Groupe Mutuel at any time. Neither Ada nor Groupe Mutuel pass on your personal data to third parties without your consent. To find out more about how your data is processed, please consult the Privacy Policy of Ada and that of Groupe Mutuel.
Ada cannot provide you with medical treatment or care. This artificial intelligence identifies the possible causes of your symptoms to give you an indication of the most appropriate treatment for you. Only a health professional or medical services can recommend treatments.
Ada gives you access to an extensive medical library that is regularly updated. It provides information on illnesses, their causes, risks, prevention and medical recommendations. This medical directory is available on the Ada website under "Medical Library”.
Groupe Mutuel positions itself as a Swiss importer according to the Medical Devices Ordinance (SR 821.213, ODim). (SR 821.213, MedDO).
Groupe Mutuel
Rue des Cèdres 5
1920 Martigny
In terms of symptom assessment, Ada is one of the leading technologies on the market, offering reliable and accurate results thanks to a semi-automated approach. Ada is also a recognised medical device in Switzerland.
As part of its learning process, Ada includes doctors in the assessment loop to analyse assessment trends and user feedback. This is done through:
This feedback informs Ada's medical reasoning base, thereby continually expanding its knowledge. Ada is designed to help you better understand your symptoms by providing reliable information based on rigorous medical data.
You are not under any obligation to follow the recommendations given by ADA. This advice is provided for information purposes to help you better understand your symptoms.
Ada is one of the contact points available only for the PrimaFlex and SanaTel models.
The referral voucher is valid for 30 days from the date on which you carried out your symptoms assessment.
Your referral voucher can be found in the Customer Area, under “My documents”, “Referral vouchers”.
To receive your referral voucher, you must complete the entire symptom assessment until you see the final report showing the diagnoses that could be associated with your symptoms. Your voucher will then be automatically placed by Groupe Mutuel in your Customer Area, in the section “My documents”, “Referral vouchers”, no later than 72 hours after your symptoms assessment.
If your referral voucher does not appear in the Customer Area after you have completed the assessment, please wait up to 72 hours. If it still does not appear after this time, please check that you have fully completed the assessment of your symptoms on Ada, as indicated under the question “How do I receive my referral voucher via Ada?”.
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